In my creative practice, I aim to encourage a rethinking of people's relationships with their surrounding environment: nature and human-made technologies. Taking into account the human impact on the planet, the opinion prevails that soon people will have to definitively abandon the attitude that led to the view expressed in the ideas of Anthropocene, the concepts about the supremacy of human species, recognize biodiversity and try hybrid models of the world consisting of organic and technical formations. This creative research project invites us to reflect on the creation of new corporeality and new forms of life, as well as the search for symbiotic forms of coexistence.
Solving the problem of the textile industry's damage to the ecology and the world, and searching for the synthesis of natural materials, a flexible, environmentally and human-friendly material was created - leather from Arthospira platensis algae. Arthospira platensis mechanical characteristics shows that material is not strong, equal to the strength of paper, its relative elongation is about 50%.
Created by Dijuota Zilyte